Market surveys, polls & marketing audit
Are two different and separate services provided by Conseil et Développement yet very important and complementary and must be carried out prior to any involvement and venture in investment project.
The Market Survey or the Poll is imperative prior to any decision taking concerning any project venture. The Market Survey:
- explores the market structure, situation and potentials with regard to the product envisaged,
- underlines the existence of competition,
- evidences the size of the targeted market,
- reveals the local players and identifies their size and shares,
- projects the potential evolution of the market,
- highlights the trend of the consumer and his behavior.
The Marketing Audit, alike the financial audit, consists in thoroughly assessing an existing product or service by studying and analyzing :
- the company general situation,
- its environmental context,
- the targeted market (structure, size, volume, evolution),
- the product’s market assessment.
More than the market surveys, the Marketing Audit:
- diagnoses the product’s situation,
- recommends solutions,
- sets-up new marketing strategies by objectives,
- adapts the marketing organization to the objectives
- secures the marketing tools to reach these objectives (pricing policies, advertising campaigns, distribution networks, etc.).